Yin yoga and yoga nidra masterclass – focus on releasing the psoas

Friday – 12th November 2021 - 6.30pm – 8.30pm

The psoas muscle is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine and extends through the pelvis to the femur bones in our legs. When it is tight or contracted either through stress/trauma or poor posture, this can cause discomfort in the glutes, lower back and hips.


This yin master-class will specifically focus on release and the unwinding of the psoas muscle.

The Psoas Muscle, also referred to as the muscle of the soul, holds onto traumatic experiences at a cellular level. Therefore releasing it, can help the body process and let go of trauma responses that have been locked within for years. A tight psoas muscle can also cause back pain, hip pain, lumbar problems, sciatica and scoliosis. Structurally, your psoas muscles are the deepest muscles in your core and they are the only muscles that connect your spine to your legs. They stabilize your trunk and spine during movement and sitting. The psoas muscles also support your internal organs and work like hydraulic pumps allowing blood and lymph to be pushed in and out of your cells. During prolonged periods of stress, your psoas is constantly contracted.  The same contraction occurs when you sit for long periods of time or engage in excessive running or walking, sleep in the foetal position, or do a lot of sit-ups.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is calm and meditative, you will hold seated postures for long periods of time in order to increase flexibility and encourage a feeling of release and letting go. Focus on the breath is key to getting deeper into postures and the benefits that come with this.

One of the biggest yin challenges is to find the perfect balance between the physical and the mental. Our mind can often be a poor judge of the body’s abilities. It can be either pushy and inattentive to the body’s signals, or it can retreat in fear and interpret any strong physical sensation as a threat. If we apply too little stress to our tissues, they atrophy, however if we apply too much stress, tissues degenerate.

Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. They are also designed to improve the flow of qi, the subtle energy said in Chinese medicine to run through the meridian pathways of the body. Improved qi flow is hypothesised to improve organ health, immunity, and emotional well-being.

Yoga Nidra

The last 30 minutes of the session will be a guided meditation yoga sleep which is an even deeper effortless state of relaxation. You simply lie down comfortably and cool the body and relax whilst my voice guides you. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight.  The state of Yoga Nidra, conscious Deep Sleep, is beyond or subtler than the imagery and mental process of the Waking and Dreaming states. In Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go through the Dreaming state, and into the Deep Sleep state, yet remain fully awake.

Cost - £30

This class is for all levels of yoga student and complete beginners.

The venue for this event is;

The Granary Yoga Studio
Manor Farm
MK43 0YD

This Granary is a secluded, beautifully warm converted barn in Bedfordshire and is very close to junction 13 of the M1. It is fully equipped with all props required for this supportive and relaxing practice.