My Thoughts on Yoga, Wellness, Health and Lifestyle
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”― Carl Gustav Jung
Bitter Sweet Interval Training
I’m still a yogi at heart, but since February of this year, this intense bitter/sweet interval training has offered a twist of metabolic magic to my midlife.
Reflections from 2022
This year, may your inner voice be the kindest voice you know and try your best to schedule an appointment in your diary with yourself for at least 30 minutes every day. Offer yourself the Gift of Time, take care of you, you are so worthy of your own love.
5 Self-Care Steps to Wellbeing
The way we manage our everyday life, is connected to our physical health and mental well-being. However deciding to live healthily needs powerful intention…….
Good thoughts make a happy person
Positive and happy thinking can; lower stress levels, improve self confidence, as well as lift your mood and offer a general sense of well-being .…..
Look Inside
‘Your Vision will become clear when you look into your own heart’ - When we look inside our heart, we discover what we are, who we are, what truly sits well with us and that we are complete. We have vision and become the creator of our own destiny.
Weekend Retreat
On a yoga retreat, you are giving yourself the gift of time. You re-discover why you had fallen in love with yoga in the first place! And, hopefully, you will feel a strong motivation by the end of your retreat, to look at your everyday schedule back home and find a way that will allow your yoga to be there for you, when you need it the most.
Research shows that poor sleep or not enough sleep can have a negative effect on our hormones, our metabolism, energy levels, focus, memory, emotions, and lower our immunity.
I often get clients tell me on their first consultation that they struggle with sleep, so I thought I’d write down some tips that might just make the difference between a restless broken sleep, or an effortless deep sleep….
2022 - The Year of Self-care
Research has shown that our brains are not designed for constant productivity, in fact it’s been proven that we can be more productive when we schedule in some daily ‘me time’.
Self-Care means making healthy choices, putting your physical, emotional, and mental well-being first, so that you are taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others…….
The Lotus Flower
The lotus flower is so beautiful and has deep meaning which really resonates with me, so I decided to make it my new logo for my updated website.
Can you say NO without guilt and YES without fear?
Maturity as well as years of practicing yoga and meditation has taught me to connect to my intuition and innermost feelings.
I now have the confidence to say No to something that does not serve me or makes me feel uncomfortable. Equally I have learnt that having the courage to step out of my comfort zone by saying Yes can open me up to new possibilities and opportunities…….
Align with Compatible Values
At some point in your life, you get tired of unhealthy connections, whether they are people or things. As you grow and become wiser certain things become intolerable and that’s ok!
Self care is a form of self respect, from eating and exercising healthily, to meditation, rest, mindset, ideology and forming bonds with likeminded people…….
The antidote to self criticism is self kindness
Most of us are our own worst self critic, we habitually judge ourselves as not competent enough or not physically attractive enough etc, etc. AND we actually believe these negative things that we tell ourselves.
Yet when we continually dwell on these thoughts, they become bad stagnant energy and can have a huge impact on our brain health, as well as our physical health, nervous system and emotional health, eventually causing anxiety, stress or even depression…..
Let them work it out for themselves
It’s natural to want to change the people we love but it can also cause stress and become toxic in a relationship.
Trying to change others (especially those that we’re closest to) has more to do with us than it does them.
We can have the best sense of purpose and all the knowledge in the world to want to help a person but they may not be ready or willing to change, then we must accept that it is out of our control……
Evolve or Repeat?
I love the simplicity of this statement!
You are being presented with two choices: evolve or repeat?
Evolving is choosing to become the best, radiant, happiest, upgraded version of yourself. It means choosing to live your best life…..
People remember how you made them feel
What we say is less important than how we say it and what we do is less important than how we do it, so that no matter how much time passes, it’s how we made someone feel that will have will make the biggest impact on their memory.
When we can cultivate the quality and sensitivity to feeling, then we then have the ability to move people’s souls…..
Love your breath
The most important part of our yoga practice is to build an intimate relationship with the quality of our own breath.
When we truly pay attention to our breath, our breath starts to become more expansive and rhythmic. We feel stronger and more alert, but at the same time, calmer and more relaxed. Deep internal breath work invites softness, vulnerability, openness, trust, euphoria, empowerment as well as a sense of ease so that we can flow with the ups and downs of our lives with greater mindfulness, composure and intelligence…..
Our greatest wealth is our health!
Chronic lifestyle related diseases and illnesses are often caused by the way that we live our lives…
It is my hope that doctors of the future will not just offer medicine on prescription, but will also educate people with regards to diet, lifestyle and mindfulness to help prevent illness and disease in the first place…….
Ten years from now?
Can you reflect back over the past 10 years and say that you’ve truly chosen this life?
And can you look forward 10 years and believe that your vision for the next 10 years will become reality? ……
It’s never too late
It’s never too late, you can rise up from anything, you can recreate yourself, nothing is permanent, you have choices…