Bitter Sweet Interval Training

I’m still a yogi at heart, but since February of this year, this intense bitter/sweet interval training has offered a twist of metabolic magic to my midlife.

I am 57, and can’t even begin to tell you how much fitter and stronger I feel after just 7 months of these workouts. My body is also more toned and defined, I sleep better, have much more energy and honestly feel incredible!

Aerobic and stretching exercise routines that used to keep us fit and healthy in our 20s to early 40s no longer work the same way as we age. Therefore to add interval and strength training into the mix is so important, particularly as it improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels. This in turn promotes overall cardiovascular and metabolic health, especially during the menopause transition when blood sugar can be harder to manage.

Strength training engages lots of different muscles, which burns energy more efficiently, in turn, having more lean muscle (or having a lean body mass) and less fat has also been strongly linked to fewer menopausal symptoms.

Then there’s that loss of bone density, which makes you more susceptible to injuries. Bones love oestrogen, so as our levels decline, we’re also at greater risk of osteoporosis. Strengthening and loading your skeleton with resistance training improves your bone health in the long-term.

Just like yoga, strength training is also reported to improve mental well-being for everyone, but is particularly beneficial for women going through this life-changing transition as it provides endorphin release and develops a sense of confidence and empowerment.

I have regained muscle mass which has raised my fitness levels immensely, I can honestly say that these sessions will be part of my health regime for the rest of my life now and I really look forward to them.

I would like to offer credit and massively thank my PT Kaisa, for her patience (I was so weak and crap at first 😉), she motivates me when I want to give up. She can be a task master and has really pushes me to my limits, but I have so much respect for her, she is very knowledgable, makes training fun and in turn gets great results. In the process, I have also introduced her to yoga, and she loves it as much as I love this.

I really hope that this post inspires!

Big love B 💪🏼🧘🏼‍♂️💕


Reflections from 2022