My Thoughts on Yoga, Wellness, Health and Lifestyle
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”― Carl Gustav Jung
Bitter Sweet Interval Training
I’m still a yogi at heart, but since February of this year, this intense bitter/sweet interval training has offered a twist of metabolic magic to my midlife.
5 Self-Care Steps to Wellbeing
The way we manage our everyday life, is connected to our physical health and mental well-being. However deciding to live healthily needs powerful intention…….
2022 - The Year of Self-care
Research has shown that our brains are not designed for constant productivity, in fact it’s been proven that we can be more productive when we schedule in some daily ‘me time’.
Self-Care means making healthy choices, putting your physical, emotional, and mental well-being first, so that you are taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others…….
Align with Compatible Values
At some point in your life, you get tired of unhealthy connections, whether they are people or things. As you grow and become wiser certain things become intolerable and that’s ok!
Self care is a form of self respect, from eating and exercising healthily, to meditation, rest, mindset, ideology and forming bonds with likeminded people…….