Our greatest wealth is our health!

Our greatest wealth is our health! Chronic lifestyle related diseases and illnesses are often caused by the way that we live our lives.

Good health is not just about keeping fit physically (although physical exercise is important at any age as it keeps the blood, lymph and fluids flowing which is essential for organ health), but good health is also just as much about awareness of our mental and emotional wellness.
This includes taking care of yourself by creating a healthier lifestyle.
Lifestyle changes could mean; learning to eat more healthily (for gut health, this is paramount to our immune system), regularly getting a good nights sleep, giving ourselves the gift of time, bringing regular moments of balance and peace in to our lives, as well as establishing healthy habits, healthy thoughts and coping mechanisms for when life throws us curveballs.

At the ripe old age of 55, I currently feel healthier and physically fitter than I’ve felt in about 12 years. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with osteo-arthritis, my joints were swollen and painful, even walking too much hurt my knees. I was also constantly tired and bloated. I was prescribed powerful anti inflammatory drugs for life!
So consequently, 18 months ago (I was never going to take the medication), so instead, I decided to change my lifestyle, most especially my eating habits. I discovered an anti inflammatory diet and basically cut out sugar as well as many other foods that were causing inflammation in my body. Now I am able to run, bike and walk for miles every day - and I feel amazing - no more joint pain

It is my hope that doctors of the future will not just offer medicine on prescription, but will also educate people with regards to diet, lifestyle and mindfulness to help prevent disease in the first place.

If this intrigues or interests you, I’m going to be writing a blog about my own personal story soon with plenty of advice.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Buddha

Big Love B xx


Love your breath


Ten years from now?