People remember how you made them feel

My first yoga teacher used this quote in one of my early teacher trainings about 18 years ago and it has stuck with me ever since. I now quote it to my own students and I also try my best to use this philosophy to guide my personal life too.

Over time, people may forget what we said or did, but they’ll always remember how we made them feel – good or bad.

The principle of the power of presence is everything, how often have you spent time with someone and just loved their energy/ warmth/ patience/ wisdom/ compassion/ positivity/ encouragement/ joyfulness/ generosity, etc and felt lifted afterwards. We all have the ability move a persons state of consciousness in a positive or negative way - and it is something that stays subconsciously ingrained in that persons memory as a feeling.

This is one of the exciting parts of human psychology - people remember feelings.

How people feel around you is likely to impact how they feel about you.

More times than not, there’s only a foggy memory of conversations or specific words that were spoken or what was done at the time. But one thing we can be assured of, is that we’ll remember the way they made us feel and vice versa - they’ll remember the way we made them feel too.

What we say is less important than how we say it and what we do is less important than how we do it, so that no matter how much time passes, it’s how we made someone feel that will have will make the biggest impact on their memory.

When we can cultivate the quality and sensitivity to feeling, then we then have the ability to move people’s souls.

B xx


Evolve or Repeat?


Love your breath