My Thoughts on Yoga, Wellness, Health and Lifestyle
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”― Carl Gustav Jung
Weekend Retreat
On a yoga retreat, you are giving yourself the gift of time. You re-discover why you had fallen in love with yoga in the first place! And, hopefully, you will feel a strong motivation by the end of your retreat, to look at your everyday schedule back home and find a way that will allow your yoga to be there for you, when you need it the most.
2022 - The Year of Self-care
Research has shown that our brains are not designed for constant productivity, in fact it’s been proven that we can be more productive when we schedule in some daily ‘me time’.
Self-Care means making healthy choices, putting your physical, emotional, and mental well-being first, so that you are taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others…….
The antidote to self criticism is self kindness
Most of us are our own worst self critic, we habitually judge ourselves as not competent enough or not physically attractive enough etc, etc. AND we actually believe these negative things that we tell ourselves.
Yet when we continually dwell on these thoughts, they become bad stagnant energy and can have a huge impact on our brain health, as well as our physical health, nervous system and emotional health, eventually causing anxiety, stress or even depression…..
Embrace the menopause
Maturity means, I actually no longer care what other people think! I can do whatever I like and wear whatever I like. Of course I still have moments where I imagine what botox may look like and how it would be great to have an ‘everything lift’ or yearn for my young fitter body but my age means I am free like never before! I am a woman full of maturity, confidence and wisdom.
I stand proud at this next stage/ adventure of my life and I’m looking forward to the next chapter with zest and a completely new outlook. ....