The antidote to self criticism is self kindness

The antidote to self criticism is self kindness…. Most of us are our own worst self critic, we habitually judge ourselves as not competent enough or not physically attractive enough etc, etc. AND we actually believe these negative things that we tell ourselves.

Yet when we continually dwell on these thoughts, they become bad stagnant energy and can have a huge impact on our brain health, as well as our physical health, nervous system and emotional health, eventually causing anxiety, stress or even depression.

Therefore the key to healing our health and self-esteem has to start with changing the way we think and feel about ourselves.

The antidote to self-criticism is self-kindness, self-compassion and meeting yourself exactly where you are with acceptance. You are human and none of us are perfect, acceptance of ourselves is the key to loving ourselves.

Give yourself time to practice ‘self compassion’ with daily 10 minute mindfulness practices, such as meditation, walks in nature, mindful breathing, yoga nidra, rest and plenty of quiet ‘me time’.

Self-compassion is learning to give back to yourself, talk kindly to yourself and look after yourself as you would a best friend or a loved one.

The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself, so be kind and look after you, you deserve it ❤️


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Let them work it out for themselves