Align with Compatible Values

At some point in your life, you get tired of unhealthy connections, whether they are people or things. As you grow and become wiser certain things become intolerable and that’s ok!

Self care is a form of self respect, from eating and exercising healthily, to meditation, rest, mindset, ideology and forming bonds with likeminded people.

Im learning to be stronger and let go of the negative influences in my life. I am realising that attachment stands in the way of my individual peace and freedom.

Mindfulness practices, such as yoga and meditation, have taught me to pay close attention to energetic exchanges. Im also fully aware that my lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on my overall physical and mental health.

With every interaction in life, there is an exchange of energy. Sometimes it is light, inspiring and energising, then other times it can be heavy, sabotaging and draining.

The people we love and things that we align with, should be the supporters of our own happiness, offering harmony both to our lives and our relationships.

It’s therefore important to limit exposure to the people and things that don’t lift us. This is really just an acceptance and recognition that we are not all embodying the same beliefs or walking the same path.

When we align with compatible values to our own, this feeds our soul and we feel empowered to live our best life.

When you offer yourself this essential self-care, you are offering yourself freedom 🙌🏻

B xx💕


Can you say NO without guilt and YES without fear?


The antidote to self criticism is self kindness