Look Inside

This is my favourite all time quote, my husband even had it carved onto a bronze plaque that now hangs above our fireplace.

My interpretation of it, is that often in our lives, we ignore our hearts desire or innermost feelings and so therefore exist as if we are in a dream.

Jung refers to the heart as the the essence of our inner being, therefore, in order to achieve full consciousness of ourselves, we must look inside and not outside.

This is a process of meditation, self inquiry and self reflection which is the representation of our ‘best truest self’.

Once we have awakened, we know what we believe without reservation, then we can consider ourselves to be truly awake and engaged in life. That is also when our vision becomes clear, and we can follow our own path - not a habitual path, or the path our parents, friends, media or society would have us follow.

Who looks outside, “dreams” in the sense that he/she wanders in an illusory dimension, while who looks inside “awakes” which means he/she gets enlightened, inspired and perceives the world differently.

When we look inside our heart, we discover what we are, who we are, what truly sits well with us and that we are complete. We have vision and become the creator of our own destiny.

All that being said, there is no finish line when it comes to knowing who you are, and what makes you happy. It’s a journey of growth that continues until the day you die.....

B xx


Good thoughts make a happy person


Weekend Retreat